
Friday, January 18, 2013

A bit of background for you...

I decided that it is time to give you a bit of an idea of who you are reading from... so stay with me lovely people as I fill you in on a little bit of me and my journey so far!

 I think one of the hardest parts of this journey has been getting it into my head that I AM NOT ON A DIET and that I am not restricting my eating.  My journey is a change in lifestyle and a healthier way of eating.  It has been better this time around.  

Now let me clarify "this time around" for you.  Not that I would be embarrassed or anything at all if this is something that I had to try multiple times, because I do know people who have had to do that and hey, applaud yourselves because you've come back to it!

When I say that this is something that I have come back to it is because after my husband and I were married and started trying for a baby we found it really difficult, not in the logistics because believe you me we got entirely too many tips in that area!  For us it just wasn't happening.  There was too much work stress, too much financial stress and too much family stress.  And to top it all off I was at the heaviest that I had been in ten years.  Not a high point for me.

So, after going to see our doctor and having to answer the obvious "well, are you having sex" question...and yes a doctor will ask that and YES I did sit there dumbstruck for a full minute before asking if that really is a problem for some people.  Just an FYI, after talking to my GP I have found out that for a lot of first time parents having issues conceiving, the main issue is that they aren't having enough sex! Der! Isn't that step one!

Anyways, back to the topic at hand... that wasn't our issue (too much info, I know) so I had to go through a whole slew of questions from the doctor as to what could be going on and we narrowed it down to waaaay too much stress and simply that I need to lose a bit of weight to get my body back in balance.

I understood the stress part, but the weight thing bothered me.  I didn't think that I was that big, and I didn't think it was effecting our ability to conceive.  But after going to my first Weight Watchers meeting with a friend of mine at her suggestion to try it out, I heard a story from another young lady that was in my same position, and was PREGNANT!  I was changed, I was convinced... I was thrilled! I signed up!

It was really tough in the beginning because well, if only one person is on board, no one is on board.  My husband was really not into it the first time around, but he was "supportive" as he sat eating his big back of chips on the couch.  I did it though, and in time he did start eating healthier meals with me so it helped both of us in a way.  The weight came off, about twenty pounds of it and along came this kid...
I like to think that we made a pretty cute one.  

Within six weeks of me having him, I was back at meetings and gearing up to lose the weight again, which as it turns out, me being pregnant turned out to be a really good diet since I was so sick I actually lost weight during my pregnancy and came out of the hospital lighter than before I conceived!  * Please don't worry though, my son was a healthy seven pounder!

I tried to tell my husband that if we have another five or six kids I could probably be a super model buuuuut he doesn't seem to be on board with the plan.  Can't blame a girl for trying!

Needless to say I ended up getting pregnant again! Woo! And to our delight we had a little girl...
It's been great! But now I am determined to get back on track and to become the healthier me that I want to be! Not so that I can fit into skinny jeans or become a marathon runner because let's face it, when I run I look like Phoebe from friends and NO ONE should ever see that!  I want to be a healthier me so that I can be there for my kids later on and be able to watch them become the awesome parents I hope they will be......

BUT not for another twenty years at least!

Keep with me...the best stories are to come... like how my best friend knew I was pregnant both times, before me or my doctor got the note...

Stay tuned!

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