
Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 1 - man I need a coffee!

Okay, so I made it through the first day! And I didn't completely melt down from lack of coffee or chocolate!... okay, there may have been a minor meltdown this morning when my computer froze up and I didn't have my sweet sweet morning cup of joe to reach for but really these things will happen.  And so I may have secretly thought murderous thoughts about my partner who has a giant box of chocolate she is selling for her daughters school on the desk five feet away... but I didn't act on those thoughts so really that's all that counts!

Thank goodness that I was still able to have my morning oatmeal! I attempted to make the kids and I a nice healthy dinner of rice, mixed veggies and lemon chicken...let's just say that the floor and the dog got to taste more of the meal than either kid did...they'll adjust, that's all I can tell myself and hopefully little by little they get into a healthier swing of things!

On the menu for tomorrow!: oatmeal in the morning, fruit for a snack, salad with leftover chicken for lunch, some crackers and celery with humus for an afternoon snack and some leftover rice and veggies for a quick dinner since I will be eating at work before my french class!

I've got this! Day one down...let's keep this up!

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